Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (2024)

Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (1)

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Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (2)

For many people, working as cabin crew means they get to fulfil a lifelong passion for travel. But becoming a flight attendant is a competitive process that involves a lot of learning, hard work and perseverance.

As well as interviews and training sessions, you’ll be expected to complete numerous aptitude tests designed to assess your communication, numerical and problem-solving skills.

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What is a cabin crew aptitude test?

A cabin crew aptitude test is a series of psychometric tests used by airlines to ensure they only hire flight attendants with the relevant set of strengths and skills.

Before taking any aptitude tests, you’ll need to fill out an online application form detailing your experience, education and personal information.

If your application is successful, you’ll then be invited to take the aptitude tests.

Which tests you’re asked to take depends on the cabin crew training programme or the airline you’re applying for. They could include any of the following:

  • Numerical reasoning test
  • Verbal reasoning test
  • English language test
  • Situational judgement test
  • Personality test

Why are tests used when hiring cabin crew?

Aptitude tests are used to help employers gain a deeper understanding of your skills, as well as your strengths and weaknesses.

Firstly, the tests are a helpful way for an employer to screen a large number of candidates, many of whom will have similar experience and educational backgrounds. With the addition of aptitude tests to the hiring process, an employer can more easily determine the strongest candidates to take forward.

The tests are also designed to assess the most important skills needed by cabin crew. Whether that’s an ability to communicate effectively, remain calm under pressure or excel at making quick decisions.

As these tests are such a fundamental part of the recruitment process, it’s essential you practice past tests beforehand to give yourself the best possible chance of success on the day.

Taking practice tests will also help you to determine your weaker areas, so you can work on them and improve before you have to take the test that really counts.

Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (3)

What key skills are required to be cabin crew?

Patience, strong communication skills and keeping calm under pressure are three of the most important traits sought in cabin crew.

It’s also essential that you enjoy working as part of a team and want to work in a customer-facing role.

Problem solving

Every day is different when you’re a member of a fast-paced, dynamic cabin crew team.

That’s why it’s so important you’re able to demonstrate intuitive problem-solving skills. Whether big or small, it’s likely almost every trip in the air will involve solving problems of some kind.


Teamwork is the bedrock of every successful cabin crew.

Confined in a small space and under constant pressure to ensure passengers are safe, happy and healthy, it’s imperative you can build strong bonds with your team, and cope with an ever-changing roster of people.

Those who prefer working alone, or aren’t great at taking direction, are probably not best suited for a role in a cabin crew.


Solid comprehension skills are a real asset if you want to become a flight attendant.

Not only do you need to be able to show a strong grasp of the English language, you’ll also be required to demonstrate how effectively you can communicate with the pilots, other members of the cabin crew, and the passengers.

Interpersonal skills

Actively listening, being patient, showing leadership when required and being able to communicate effectively are some of the attributes common to individuals with strong interpersonal skills.

Because of your role in communicating between the pilot and passengers, it’s essential that you’re happy and confident dealing with people all day, every day.

Good literacy and numeracy skills

Good literacy and numeracy skills are also highly valued.

Whether it’s quickly adding up a purchase in the aisle, or reading instructions on a piece of safety equipment, strong verbal and numerical skills can make a real difference in a huge variety of pressurised situations.


Working as cabin crew can be unpredictable.

You might have to calm a frightened passenger, communicate the news that a flight is delayed, or keep a rowdy group of passengers under control without inflaming the situation.

So those people who can think on their feet and adapt to meet the needs of the situation they’re in will make great flight attendants.


Empathy is a really important attribute that passengers value greatly.

For many people, flying can be a scary or stressful experience. Those passengers are likely to need a flight attendant who can calm them down, cheer them up and display empathy for their feelings — even if they are fears and feelings you don’t personally experience on a plane.

Remaining calm under pressure

Unsurprisingly, being able to stay calm under pressure is one of the most important attributes a flight attendant can display.

It may be required in small situations like communicating a delayed flight or resolving a dispute over a bill, but it can also be required in more stressful situations such as turbulence. Whatever it is, it’s certain that most flights will involve some amount of keeping calm under pressure.

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  • Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (4)
  • Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (5)
  • Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (6)
  • Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (7)
  • Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (8)
  • Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (9)
  • Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (10)

What aptitude tests do airlines use to assess these skills?

Airlines use a variety of aptitude tests to find out more about the strengths and weaknesses of their prospective flight attendants.

The mix of tests is designed to assess the skills needed, and gives employers an additional opportunity to decide who the strongest candidates are and which people should be taken forward to the training programme.

English language test

Communication is vital if you want to be a flight attendant.

Nearly all airlines require cabin crew to have a strong grasp of the English language.

In this test, your verbal, written and literacy skills will be put to the test to give employers a better indication of how well you’ll be able to communicate with airline staff and passengers should you be hired.

As well as basic spelling and grammar, you’ll have to demonstrate solid comprehension and literacy skills that prove you’d be able to understand and communicate in almost any situation that could arise on board.

Practicing past tests is really important, as it’ll help you to familiarise yourself with the questions you may be asked on the day, as well as give you a chance to work on any areas you don’t feel confident in.

Verbal reasoning test

The verbal reasoning test is different from the English language test as it’s less focused on spelling and grammar, and more focused on your ability to understand, process and analyse information.

You’ll be presented with a short passage of text which you’ll need to read quickly but thoroughly.

After you’ve read the information, you’ll be asked questions based on what you’ve seen.

You’ll need to select either ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘cannot say’ as the response to each question and you need to remember to base your answers purely on what you’ve read, not what you think you may know about the subject.

Again, practicing past tests is the best way to brush up on your skills and familiarise yourself with the process.

Numerical reasoning test

An aptitude for numbers is another skill that will stand you in good stead if you want to be a flight attendant.

The numerical reasoning test assesses your ability to interpret data from a range of different charts, graphs and tables.

Brushing up on your mathematical skills is a good idea if you want to succeed at this test, as the tight time limit can make it hard to work through each problem with both speed and accuracy.

Situational judgement test

A situational judgement test provides you with hypothetical situations you may encounter in the workplace. In this case, they’ll be tailored to challenges you may face as a member of cabin crew.

The test asks you to select your response from a list of possible options.

Unlike with the other aptitude tests, there aren’t ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers, but there are answers that will showcase your problem-solving skills, adaptability and an ability to be a decision maker – all of which are highly valued by airlines.

This is the test that really determines whether you’ll be a good fit for the airline, so it’s important to think about what its objectives and goals are, so you can make sure they’re reflected in your answers.

Personality tests

Personality tests are there to give a prospective employer an indication of your motivations, morals, values and characteristics.

They can be a good indicator of the type of character someone is, and therefore how well they’re likely to fit into the role or team they’re applying for.

When it comes to getting on the flight attendant training programme, you’ll want to show you have highly valued traits such as empathy and an ability to remain calm. You’ll also want to ensure you answer each question honestly, so the hiring managers get a true picture of who you are as an individual.

Sample Cabin Crew Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

If you observe that the sequence of flight preparation steps is Boarding, Safety Demonstration, Take-off, and Beverage Service, what is the immediate step following the Safety Demonstration in this pattern?

  • Landing

  • Take-off

  • Boarding

  • Deplaning

If a service on a flight is offered every 45 minutes, and the first service is at 10:00 AM, at what time will the 5th service begin?

  • 12:00 PM

  • 12:15 PM

  • 12:45 PM

  • 12:30 PM

After reading the following announcement, identify the main purpose: 'Attention passengers, we will soon begin our in-flight entertainment. Please ensure your personal devices are in airplane mode, and headphones are used for any audio content.'

  • To inform passengers about proper luggage storage.

  • To instruct passengers on upcoming in-flight service.

  • To remind passengers about the safety features on board.

  • To prepare passengers for an emergency landing.

What is the correct spelling for the term referring to a preliminary schedule of flights?

  • Itenirery

  • Itinerary

  • Itinnery

  • Itenerary

You are responsible for responding to a passenger's concern about missing a connecting flight due to a current flight delay. What is your initial action?

  • Redirect the passenger to the in-flight entertainment.

  • Inform the passenger about the possibility of compensation.

  • Assure the passenger that such information will be available upon landing.

  • Advise the passenger to speak with ground staff after deplaning.

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The tests were well suited to the job that I’ve applied for. They are easy to do and loads of them.

Sophie used Practice Aptitude Tests to help pass her aptitude tests for Deloitte.

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Cabin Crew Tests Tips

1Practice, Practice, Practice!

They say repetition is the mother of skill, and they’re right! Make the most of Practice Aptitude Tests by going through each exam multiple times. This helps you get comfortable with the format and types of questions, decreasing anxiety and upping your game.

2Simulate the Real Thing

Create a realistic testing environment at home. That means finding a quiet spot, timing your practice, and getting into the mindset of being in an assessment center. It’s all about making the practice as real as possible to ensure you’re not thrown off on the big day.

3Understand the Why

Don’t just practice for the sake of it; seek to understand the reasoning behind each answer. This depth of understanding will help you tackle similar questions you’ve never seen before, serving you well when faced with unexpected challenges.

4Stay Calm and Focused

The ability to remain calm under pressure is key for cabin crew – and it’s just as important during your practice. Learn relaxation techniques and put them into play during study sessions, so they become second nature during the actual assessment.

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--- --- ---

  • 30 Numerical reasoning tests
  • 30 Verbal reasoning tests
  • 30 Diagrammatic reasoning tests
  • 30 Situational judgement tests
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  • 252 Employer packages e.g. HSBC
  • 62 Extra packages e.g Mechanical
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Cabin Crew Tests FAQs

Is maths needed for cabin crew?

Yes, you’ll have to complete a numerical reasoning test as part of the cabin crew recruitment process.

The test requires you to analyse data across a range of different graphs, charts and tables.

How do I prepare for a cabin crew test?

As well as researching the role you’re applying for and what it entails, it’s important to take as many practice aptitude tests as you can.

Not only will it help you to improve your speed and accuracy across the different subjects, it will also instil you with confidence and understanding of what you need to do on the day it counts.

What is a cabin crew assessment day?

If you’re successful at the aptitude test portion of the recruitment process, you’ll be invited to a cabin crew assessment day.

Here, you’ll be required to take part in a group exercise, a reach test and an interview. There may also be additional aptitude tests too.

The assessment day also gives you a chance to learn more about the airline and what the role will require of you, so it’s great to come prepared with questions.

What strengths do cabin crew need to show?

Although rewarding, being part of a cabin crew requires a lot of different strengths and skills that you’ll need to use on a daily basis.

If you’re a strong communicator, can keep calm in a crisis and have empathy for your passengers then you’re off to a great start.

It’s also essential to be a natural problem solver, flexible and able to work as part of a team.

Reviews of our Cabin Crew tests

What our customers say about our Cabin Crew tests

  • Gerron Beadle

    United States of America

    October 03, 2021

    How to solve the problem

    Really haven’t taken these aptitude test before, but I love the challenge and trying something unfamiliar to solve the problems.

  • Hagar Mahfouz


    April 25, 2021

    Actually I want English test only

    Math test is included, but some airlines don’t require a math test

  • Sirip*rn O’Callaghan


    March 21, 2021

    I didn’t like maths.

    This test is very useful for the people who want to be the air hostesses, but I am too old to be. I just want to test my brain. Thank you very much.

  • Amit Singh Kandari


    March 15, 2021

    Cabin crew have deep knowledge about many things

    I like the test; is tough but not more...

  • Megan

    United Kingdom

    March 10, 2021

    Remember GCSE maths!!

    It give me an idea of what to expect on cabin crew tests...

Cabin Crew Aptitude Test: Free Practice Questions (2024) (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.