Beauty-Logo-Ideen – Erstellen Sie Ihr Logo kostenlos (2024)

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} const completeLogo = node[0]; const justLogo = node.find('.generated-svg').children()[0]; html2canvas(completeLogo, {scale: scale, backgroundColor: null, logging: false, allowTaint: true, removeContainer: true}).then(function (canvas) { form.find('input[name=l]').val(canvas.toDataURL("image/png")); html2canvas(completeLogo, {scale: 8, backgroundColor: null, logging: false, allowTaint: true, removeContainer: true}).then(function (canvas) { form.find('input[name=h]').val(canvas.toDataURL("image/png")); html2canvas(justLogo, {scale: 4, backgroundColor: null, logging: false, allowTaint: true, removeContainer: true}).then(function (canvas) { form.find('input[name=just-logo]').val(canvas.toDataURL("image/png")); const formData = form.serialize(); $.ajax({ url: form.attr('action'), method: form.attr('method'), data: formData, success: function(response) { Swal.close(); if (isLoggedIn) { appendLogo(); return; } $('#register-modal').modal('show'); }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { Swal.close(); } }); }); }); }) } function saveAiLogo(node, form) { form.find('input[name=ai_logo]').val(node.src); form.find('input[name=is_ai]').val('1'); } (function (global) { 'use strict'; var util = newUtil(); var inliner = newInliner(); var fontFaces = newFontFaces(); var images = newImages(); // Default impl options var defaultOptions = { // Default is to fail on error, no placeholder imagePlaceholder: undefined, // Default cache bust is false, it will use the cache cacheBust: false }; var domtoimage = { toSvg: toSvg, toPng: toPng, toJpeg: toJpeg, toBlob: toBlob, toPixelData: toPixelData, impl: { fontFaces: fontFaces, images: images, util: util, inliner: inliner, options: {} } }; if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = domtoimage; else global.domtoimage = domtoimage; /** * @param {Node} node - The DOM Node object to render * @param {Object} options - Rendering options * @param {Function} options.filter - Should return true if passed node should be included in the output * (excluding node means excluding it's children as well). Not called on the root node. * @param {String} options.bgcolor - color for the background, any valid CSS color value. * @param {Number} options.width - width to be applied to node before rendering. * @param {Number} options.height - height to be applied to node before rendering. * @param {Object} - an object whose properties to be copied to node's style before rendering. * @param {Number} options.quality - a Number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality (applicable to JPEG only), defaults to 1.0. * @param {String} options.imagePlaceholder - dataURL to use as a placeholder for failed images, default behaviour is to fail fast on images we can't fetch * @param {Boolean} options.cacheBust - set to true to cache bust by appending the time to the request url * @return {Promise} - A promise that is fulfilled with a SVG image data URL * */ function toSvg(node, options) { options = options || {}; copyOptions(options); return Promise.resolve(node) .then(function (node) { return cloneNode(node, options.filter, true); }) .then(embedFonts) .then(inlineImages) .then(applyOptions) .then(function (clone) { return makeSvgDataUri(clone, options.width || util.width(node), options.height || util.height(node) ); }); function applyOptions(clone) { if (options.bgcolor) = options.bgcolor; if (options.width) = options.width + 'px'; if (options.height) = options.height + 'px'; if ( Object.keys( (property) {[property] =[property]; }); return clone; } } /** * @param {Node} node - The DOM Node object to render * @param {Object} options - Rendering options, @see {@link toSvg} * @return {Promise} - A promise that is fulfilled with a Uint8Array containing RGBA pixel data. * */ function toPixelData(node, options) { return draw(node, options || {}) .then(function (canvas) { return canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData( 0, 0, util.width(node), util.height(node) ).data; }); } /** * @param {Node} node - The DOM Node object to render * @param {Object} options - Rendering options, @see {@link toSvg} * @return {Promise} - A promise that is fulfilled with a PNG image data URL * */ function toPng(node, options) { return draw(node, options || {}) .then(function (canvas) { return canvas.toDataURL(); }); } /** * @param {Node} node - The DOM Node object to render * @param {Object} options - Rendering options, @see {@link toSvg} * @return {Promise} - A promise that is fulfilled with a JPEG image data URL * */ function toJpeg(node, options) { options = options || {}; return draw(node, options) .then(function (canvas) { return canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', options.quality || 1.0); }); } /** * @param {Node} node - The DOM Node object to render * @param {Object} options - Rendering options, @see {@link toSvg} * @return {Promise} - A promise that is fulfilled with a PNG image blob * */ function toBlob(node, options) { return draw(node, options || {}) .then(util.canvasToBlob); } function copyOptions(options) { // Copy options to impl options for use in impl if (typeof (options.imagePlaceholder) === 'undefined') { domtoimage.impl.options.imagePlaceholder = defaultOptions.imagePlaceholder; } else { domtoimage.impl.options.imagePlaceholder = options.imagePlaceholder; } if (typeof (options.cacheBust) === 'undefined') { domtoimage.impl.options.cacheBust = defaultOptions.cacheBust; } else { domtoimage.impl.options.cacheBust = options.cacheBust; } } function draw(domNode, options) { return toSvg(domNode, options) .then(util.makeImage) .then(util.delay(100)) .then(function (image) { var canvas = newCanvas(domNode); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.scale(options.scale, options.scale); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); return canvas; }); function newCanvas(domNode) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = (options.width || util.width(domNode)) * options.scale; canvas.height = (options.height || util.height(domNode)) * options.scale; if (options.bgcolor) { var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = options.bgcolor; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } return canvas; } } function cloneNode(node, filter, root) { if (!root && filter && !filter(node)) return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.resolve(node) .then(makeNodeCopy) .then(function (clone) { return cloneChildren(node, clone, filter); }) .then(function (clone) { return processClone(node, clone); }); function makeNodeCopy(node) { if (node instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) return util.makeImage(node.toDataURL()); return node.cloneNode(false); } function cloneChildren(original, clone, filter) { var children = original.childNodes; if (children.length === 0) return Promise.resolve(clone); return cloneChildrenInOrder(clone, util.asArray(children), filter) .then(function () { return clone; }); function cloneChildrenInOrder(parent, children, filter) { var done = Promise.resolve(); children.forEach(function (child) { done = done .then(function () { return cloneNode(child, filter); }) .then(function (childClone) { if (childClone) parent.appendChild(childClone); }); }); return done; } } function processClone(original, clone) { if (!(clone instanceof Element)) return clone; return Promise.resolve() .then(cloneStyle) .then(clonePseudoElements) .then(copyUserInput) .then(fixSvg) .then(function () { return clone; }); function cloneStyle() { copyStyle(window.getComputedStyle(original),; function copyStyle(source, target) { if (source.cssText) target.cssText = source.cssText; else copyProperties(source, target); function copyProperties(source, target) { util.asArray(source).forEach(function (name) { target.setProperty( name, source.getPropertyValue(name), source.getPropertyPriority(name) ); }); } } } function clonePseudoElements() { [':before', ':after'].forEach(function (element) { clonePseudoElement(element); }); function clonePseudoElement(element) { var style = window.getComputedStyle(original, element); var content = style.getPropertyValue('content'); if (content === '' || content === 'none') return; var className = util.uid(); clone.className = clone.className + ' ' + className; var styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.appendChild(formatPseudoElementStyle(className, element, style)); clone.appendChild(styleElement); function formatPseudoElementStyle(className, element, style) { var selector = '.' + className + ':' + element; var cssText = style.cssText ? formatCssText(style) : formatCssProperties(style); return document.createTextNode(selector + '{' + cssText + '}'); function formatCssText(style) { var content = style.getPropertyValue('content'); return style.cssText + ' content: ' + content + ';'; } function formatCssProperties(style) { return util.asArray(style) .map(formatProperty) .join('; ') + ';'; function formatProperty(name) { return name + ': ' + style.getPropertyValue(name) + (style.getPropertyPriority(name) ? ' !important' : ''); } } } } } function copyUserInput() { if (original instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) clone.innerHTML = original.value; if (original instanceof HTMLInputElement) clone.setAttribute("value", original.value); } function fixSvg() { if (!(clone instanceof SVGElement)) return; clone.setAttribute('xmlns', ''); if (!(clone instanceof SVGRectElement)) return; ['width', 'height'].forEach(function (attribute) { var value = clone.getAttribute(attribute); if (!value) return;, value); }); } } } function embedFonts(node) { return fontFaces.resolveAll() .then(function (cssText) { var styleNode = document.createElement('style'); node.appendChild(styleNode); styleNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cssText)); return node; }); } function inlineImages(node) { return images.inlineAll(node) .then(function () { return node; }); } function makeSvgDataUri(node, width, height) { return Promise.resolve(node) .then(function (node) { node.setAttribute('xmlns', ''); return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(node); }) .then(util.escapeXhtml) .then(function (xhtml) { return '' + xhtml + ''; }) .then(function (foreignObject) { return ''; }) .then(function (svg) { return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,' + svg; }); } function newUtil() { return { escape: escape, parseExtension: parseExtension, mimeType: mimeType, dataAsUrl: dataAsUrl, isDataUrl: isDataUrl, canvasToBlob: canvasToBlob, resolveUrl: resolveUrl, getAndEncode: getAndEncode, uid: uid(), delay: delay, asArray: asArray, escapeXhtml: escapeXhtml, makeImage: makeImage, width: width, height: height }; function mimes() { /* * Only WOFF and EOT mime types for fonts are 'real' * see */ var WOFF = 'application/font-woff'; var JPEG = 'image/jpeg'; return { 'woff': WOFF, 'woff2': WOFF, 'ttf': 'application/font-truetype', 'eot': 'application/', 'png': 'image/png', 'jpg': JPEG, 'jpeg': JPEG, 'gif': 'image/gif', 'tiff': 'image/tiff', 'svg': 'image/svg+xml' }; } function parseExtension(url) { var match = /\.([^\.\/]*?)$/g.exec(url); if (match) return match[1]; else return ''; } function mimeType(url) { var extension = parseExtension(url).toLowerCase(); return mimes()[extension] || ''; } function isDataUrl(url) { return^(data:)/) !== -1; } function toBlob(canvas) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { var binaryString = window.atob(canvas.toDataURL().split(',')[1]); var length = binaryString.length; var binaryArray = new Uint8Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) binaryArray[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i); resolve(new Blob([binaryArray], { type: 'image/png' })); }); } function canvasToBlob(canvas) { if (canvas.toBlob) return new Promise(function (resolve) { canvas.toBlob(resolve); }); return toBlob(canvas); } function resolveUrl(url, baseUrl) { var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); var base = doc.createElement('base'); doc.head.appendChild(base); var a = doc.createElement('a'); doc.body.appendChild(a); base.href = baseUrl; a.href = url; return a.href; } function uid() { var index = 0; return function () { return 'u' + fourRandomChars() + index++; function fourRandomChars() { /* see */ return ('0000' + (Math.random() * Math.pow(36, 4) << 0).toString(36)).slice(-4); } }; } function makeImage(uri) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var image = new Image(); image.onload = function () { resolve(image); }; image.onerror = reject; image.src = uri; }); } function getAndEncode(url) { var TIMEOUT = 30000; if (domtoimage.impl.options.cacheBust) { // Cache bypass so we dont have CORS issues with cached images // Source: url += ((/\?/).test(url) ? "&" : "?") + (new Date()).getTime(); } return new Promise(function (resolve) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onreadystatechange = done; request.ontimeout = timeout; request.responseType = 'blob'; request.timeout = TIMEOUT;'GET', url, true); request.send(); var placeholder; if (domtoimage.impl.options.imagePlaceholder) { var split = domtoimage.impl.options.imagePlaceholder.split(/,/); if (split && split[1]) { placeholder = split[1]; } } function done() { if (request.readyState !== 4) return; if (request.status !== 200) { if (placeholder) { resolve(placeholder); } else { fail('cannot fetch resource: ' + url + ', status: ' + request.status); } return; } var encoder = new FileReader(); encoder.onloadend = function () { var content = encoder.result.split(/,/)[1]; resolve(content); }; encoder.readAsDataURL(request.response); } function timeout() { if (placeholder) { resolve(placeholder); } else { fail('timeout of ' + TIMEOUT + 'ms occured while fetching resource: ' + url); } } function fail(message) { console.error(message); resolve(''); } }); } function dataAsUrl(content, type) { return 'data:' + type + ';base64,' + content; } function escape(string) { return string.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); } function delay(ms) { return function (arg) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(function () { resolve(arg); }, ms); }); }; } function asArray(arrayLike) { var array = []; var length = arrayLike.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) array.push(arrayLike[i]); return array; } function escapeXhtml(string) { return string.replace(/#/g, '%23').replace(/\n/g, '%0A'); } function width(node) { var leftBorder = px(node, 'border-left-width'); var rightBorder = px(node, 'border-right-width'); return node.scrollWidth + leftBorder + rightBorder; } function height(node) { var topBorder = px(node, 'border-top-width'); var bottomBorder = px(node, 'border-bottom-width'); return node.scrollHeight + topBorder + bottomBorder; } function px(node, styleProperty) { var value = window.getComputedStyle(node).getPropertyValue(styleProperty); return parseFloat(value.replace('px', '')); } } function newInliner() { var URL_REGEX = /url\(['"]?([^'"]+?)['"]?\)/g; return { inlineAll: inlineAll, shouldProcess: shouldProcess, impl: { readUrls: readUrls, inline: inline } }; function shouldProcess(string) { return !== -1; } function readUrls(string) { var result = []; var match; while ((match = URL_REGEX.exec(string)) !== null) { result.push(match[1]); } return result.filter(function (url) { return !util.isDataUrl(url); }); } function inline(string, url, baseUrl, get) { return Promise.resolve(url) .then(function (url) { return baseUrl ? util.resolveUrl(url, baseUrl) : url; }) .then(get || util.getAndEncode) .then(function (data) { return util.dataAsUrl(data, util.mimeType(url)); }) .then(function (dataUrl) { return string.replace(urlAsRegex(url), '$1' + dataUrl + '$3'); }); function urlAsRegex(url) { return new RegExp('(url\\([\'"]?)(' + util.escape(url) + ')([\'"]?\\))', 'g'); } } function inlineAll(string, baseUrl, get) { if (nothingToInline()) return Promise.resolve(string); return Promise.resolve(string) .then(readUrls) .then(function (urls) { var done = Promise.resolve(string); urls.forEach(function (url) { done = done.then(function (string) { return inline(string, url, baseUrl, get); }); }); return done; }); function nothingToInline() { return !shouldProcess(string); } } } function newFontFaces() { return { resolveAll: resolveAll, impl: { readAll: readAll } }; function resolveAll() { return readAll(document) .then(function (webFonts) { return Promise.all( (webFont) { return webFont.resolve(); }) ); }) .then(function (cssStrings) { return cssStrings.join('\n'); }); } function readAll() { return Promise.resolve(util.asArray(document.styleSheets)) .then(getCssRules) .then(selectWebFontRules) .then(function (rules) { return; }); function selectWebFontRules(cssRules) { return cssRules .filter(function (rule) { return rule.type === CSSRule.FONT_FACE_RULE; }) .filter(function (rule) { return inliner.shouldProcess('src')); }); } function getCssRules(styleSheets) { var cssRules = []; styleSheets.forEach(function (sheet) { try { util.asArray(sheet.cssRules || []).forEach(cssRules.push.bind(cssRules)); } catch (e) { console.log('Error while reading CSS rules from ' + sheet.href, e.toString()); } }); return cssRules; } function newWebFont(webFontRule) { return { resolve: function resolve() { var baseUrl = (webFontRule.parentStyleSheet || {}).href; return inliner.inlineAll(webFontRule.cssText, baseUrl); }, src: function () { return'src'); } }; } } } function newImages() { return { inlineAll: inlineAll, impl: { newImage: newImage } }; function newImage(element) { return { inline: inline }; function inline(get) { if (util.isDataUrl(element.src)) return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.resolve(element.src) .then(get || util.getAndEncode) .then(function (data) { return util.dataAsUrl(data, util.mimeType(element.src)); }) .then(function (dataUrl) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { element.onload = resolve; element.onerror = reject; element.src = dataUrl; }); }); } } function inlineAll(node) { if (!(node instanceof Element)) return Promise.resolve(node); return inlineBackground(node) .then(function () { if (node instanceof HTMLImageElement) return newImage(node).inline(); else return Promise.all( util.asArray(node.childNodes).map(function (child) { return inlineAll(child); }) ); }); function inlineBackground(node) { var background ='background'); if (!background) return Promise.resolve(node); return inliner.inlineAll(background) .then(function (inlined) { 'background', inlined,'background') ); }) .then(function () { return node; }); } } } })(this);

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Erhalten Sie schnelle Antworten zum Erstellen eines Beauty-Logos auf der Wizlogo-Plattform.

Welche Elemente sollte ich in meinem Beauty-Logo verwenden?

Erwägen Sie die Verwendung von Blumen, Schmetterlingen oder eleganter Typografie für ein faszinierendes Logo.

Warum ist ein gut gestaltetes Beauty-Logo für meine Marke wichtig?

Es trägt dazu bei, den Bekanntheitsgrad Ihrer Marke zu steigern, Kunden anzulocken und die Essenz Ihrer Schönheitsdienstleistungen zu vermitteln.

Wie wähle ich Farben für mein Beauty-Logo aus?

Wählen Sie sanfte Pastellfarben, die ein Gefühl von Luxus und Ruhe vermitteln, oder entscheiden Sie sich für Farben, die die Identität Ihrer Marke repräsentieren.

Was sind die besten Schriftarten für ein ansprechendes Beauty-Logo?

Erwägen Sie die Verwendung einer Kombination aus modernen Schriftarten und Schreibschriften, die Eleganz und Weiblichkeit vermitteln.

Wie lange dauert die Erstellung eines Logos auf Wizlogo?

Mit Wizlogo dauert es nur wenige Minuten, Ihr Beauty-Logo zu entwerfen und es einsatzbereit zu machen.

Sollte ich mein Beauty-Logo markenrechtlich schützen lassen?

Es wird empfohlen, sich hinsichtlich der Markenkennzeichnung Ihres Beauty-Logos an einen Rechtsexperten zu wenden.

Welche Dateiformate stehen für ein Beauty-Logo auf Wizlogo zur Verfügung?

Wizlogo bietet vielseitige Dateiformate wie JPEG, PNG, SVG, AI für eine einfache Online-Nutzung.

Bieten Sie auf Wizlogo Logo-Neugestaltungsdienste für Schönheitsunternehmen an?

Ja. Während sich Wizlogo auf die schnelle Logoerstellung spezialisiert hat, können Sie für ein besseres Branding auch die Neugestaltung Ihres Beauty-Logos in Betracht ziehen.

Wir sind hier, um dich glücklich zu machen

Jedes Logo, das Sie erstellen, hat eine Idee. Wir werden alles tun, um Ihnen bei der Erstellung zu helfen. Egal was passiert, wir sind immer bereit zu helfen.

Beauty-Logo-Ideen – Erstellen Sie Ihr Logo kostenlos (2024)


What is the best color for a beauty logo? ›

While some beauty brands choose to go with a classic black and white color scheme, others use colors to help their beauty brand pop. Luxury brands often use a simple black and white logo. Some will incorporate gold, silver, navy, burgundy or other rich tones that evoke feelings of value.

How to create a memorable logo? ›

What memorable logos have in common
  1. Their design elements speak for themselves. Famous companies place great weight on visual branding elements like colors and fonts. ...
  2. They are simple. Simplicity is one of the key principles of logo design. ...
  3. They are unique. ...
  4. They have stood the test of time.
Jul 25, 2022

How do I make my beauty brand stand out? ›

Cosmetics Branding Success: How to Stand Out in the Beauty...
  1. Understanding the Beauty Industry Landscape.
  2. Identifying Your Target Audience.
  3. Crafting Your Brand Identity.
  4. Developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  5. Creating Compelling Packaging and Design.
  6. Building Partnerships and Collaborations.

What color represents beauty? ›

Colors play a prominent role in defining the beauty of your salon and the salon owner's aesthetic sense. Lavender color represents beauty and solitude and conveys the message of feminine beauty.

What three colors go best together? ›

If you're looking for a few basic but perennially popular 3 color combinations to kickstart your color palette, think about combinations like:
  • Yellow, red, and blue.
  • Green, orange, and purple.
  • Teal, magenta, and gold.

Which color logo attracts the most attention? ›

Red is the color of power. It gets people's attention and holds it. It is the most popular color for marketing.

How to make your logo stand out? ›

How To Make Your Logo Stand Out
  1. Send A Clear Message. Your message should convey what your company does, your values, and what services/products you offer. ...
  2. Be As Unique As Possible. Your logo should be as unique as possible, meaning you should avoid using clichés. ...
  3. Make Sure Your Logo Stands Out In Any Size.
Jan 18, 2022

What are the 3 rules of good logo design? ›

What are Three key rules for effective logo design?
  • Keep it simple and memorable: Imagine yourself explaining your logo to someone on the phone. ...
  • Increase Competitiveness and Scalability: Your trademark will be used on everything from business cards to websites, posters to merchandise. ...
  • Make it useful and relevant:
Mar 14, 2024

How can I make my logo unique? ›

However, understanding some logo design basics will enable you to customize and tweak your logo if you choose to do so.
  1. Know Your Brand Personality. ...
  2. Analyze Your Competition. ...
  3. Choose a Design Style. ...
  4. Decide on a Type of Logo. ...
  5. Pick Your Fonts Carefully. ...
  6. Choose Your Colors Wisely. ...
  7. Keep it Simple. ...
  8. Ask for Feedback.

What makes a logo catchy? ›

Simplicity: A good logo should be simple and easy to understand. Avoid complex designs that can be difficult to remember or reproduce. Memorability: A good logo should be memorable and easy to recognize. Aim for a design that is unique and stands out from the competition.

How do I make my logo come to life? ›

First, open Canva and go to “Animated Logos” for a library of professionally designed templates to draw inspiration from and customize.
  1. Select the right animated logo style to fit your brand. ...
  2. Customize your animated logo. ...
  3. Download as an MP4 video or GIF file. ...
  4. Add it to your various visual branding media.

What makes a good logo quote? ›

"A logo doesn't sell, it identifies." – Paul Rand

In this quote, Paul Rand astutely differentiates between the role of selling and identifying when it comes to logos. A logo acts as a marker, offering a visual representation of a brand's identity rather than serving as a direct sales tool.

How do I create a skin care logo? ›

How do I make a skincare logo with BrandCrowd?
  1. Start searching:
  2. Refine your search:
  3. Create a skincare logo shortlist.
  4. Edit your skincare logo.
  5. Preview your skincare logo. When you're done editing you can easily preview your logo on apparal, signage and more to see how it looks in real life.
  6. Download your skincare logo.

How to make your own aesthetic logo? ›

To create your own logo design aesthetics, start by using Wix's aesthetic logo generator, which guides you through the process. Input your brand details, choose styles that resonate with your brand's aesthetic and customize your design with different fonts, colors and icons.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Last Updated:

Views: 6483

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.